Sociology, BA
As a Sociology major, you will study everything from the social dynamics of two people in conversation to the social dynamics of political revolutions. Our devoted faculty will equip you with the tools to investigate the social world we live in, situating human behavior in context and informed by data. You will learn to systematically analyze the most pressing social issues and seek out answers.
In our program, you will develop your abilities as a critical thinker, researcher, and communicator. Students leave our program well-suited for a career in teaching, public and mental health, law, counseling, social work, the criminal justice system, public policy, marketing, journalism, and the non-profit sector.
Learn More About Our Sociology Major
Get to know our outstanding sociology faculty and their specialties. Or explore on-campus opportunities and an array of internship possibilities.
Earn an Sociology, BA and a Single-Subject Teaching Credential at Saint Mary's in just four years through our Single Subject Teaching Credential Integrated Pathway!
Upon successfully completing the Sociology Program, students will be able to...
• UNDERSTAND sociological theory and methods and be able to apply theoretical explanations to empirical examples.
• RESEARCH and analyze a sociological topic using the appropriate library resources.
• WRITE research papers with a clear thesis statement, sufficient support for that thesis, and in accordance with the standards of the American Sociological Association.
• EXERCISE their sociological imagination in order to reflect upon questions of personal and social responsibility in a complex and changing society.
• APPLY sociological knowledge as they engage with the community beyond the academy.
• EMPLOY critical reading, thinking, and writing skills as they research, analyze, and report on a social issue in a way that incorporates what they have learned on a topic of their own choosing.
Career Options
Career options for Sociology majors.
“The faculty at Saint Mary's definitely changed my life. There was a lot of support that I don't think I would have found in a larger college setting. They grew to know me and what I was capable of and I felt like there was a definite kinship that developed where however much effort I gave in my classes, my teachers were also supporting my goals.”
Amanda Benson, '06