Club Sports Manual

The Saint Mary’s College Club Sports provides students with a unique opportunity to build, develop, and enhance their leadership, organizational, and management skills in a fun, safe, and supportive learning environment. Participants in Club Sports at Saint Mary’s College are involved in competition, community, and building connections that enhance the student experience at Saint Mary's College. Students are empowered to engage with one another by learning, practicing, building lifelong friendships, and competing locally and nationally campus, in over 15 different sports.
The Club Sports Administration (CSA) has set up a Google Drive with shared administrative files to ensure the successful and sustainable operation of every club in the program.
Participant Eligibility
- All current Saint Mary’s College are eligible for participation in the Club Sports Program. This includes undergraduate, graduate, full-time and part-time students.
- Affiliate participation that includes Faculty, staff, alumni, visiting scholars, post-docs, minors unenrolled at Saint Mary’s College is reviewed by the Office of Club Sports with jurisdiction of the governing body requirements. Community members are not eligible for participation in the Club Sports Program.
- Specific State, Regional and/or National Governing Bodies (“NGB”) may have eligibility requirements that are not consistent with the eligibility requirements of the Club Sports Program. Contact the team’s governing body for specific eligibility requirements.
All individuals participating in the Club Sports Program must register and be cleared prior to engaging in any activity with the team. This registration requirement applies to all who try out for the team (if applicable).
Participants are required to complete the following sections as part of the registration process:
- Student Information
- Emergency Contact Information
- Required Waivers & Agreements
- Waiver and Release of Liability
- General Medical Release and Waiver
- Personal Image Release and Waiver
- Club Sports Participant Agreement
- Concussion Management Plan Acknowledgment
- Uniform Return Policy
- Completion of the Concussion in Sports online course (Certificate of Completion Required to complete Player Registration)
- Completion of CPR, AED & First Aid Training for Team Leaders.
Other Documents (if applicable)
After successful completion of the Registration steps, then each Student Athlete is required to complete the following steps BEFORE they are cleared and permitted to participate in any practice/competition:
- Healthy Roster - completion of profile and Four forms within profile
- Returners will need to log into their profile and resubmit all forms.
- SWAY Testing - concussion baseline testing
- Returners must complete a new baseline
- Physicals - not required but highly recommended
- Physical may be required if Pre-Participation form from Healthy Roster has concerns
- A copy of a physical is required for clearance, if completed.
Club officers will be given access to approved team information, including email/text notifications. Officers are responsible for confirming that all team members register for their team. If a member attends practice without registering online first with a completed profile, officers must ensure the participant completes the online registration on site by computer, smart phone, tablet, etc. The office of Club Sports will conduct random practice visits to ensure all participants are cleared and permitted to participate.
If a new participant starts in the middle of the year, the participant must register and sign all online requirements before participating.
The Club Sports Advisory Council (CSAC) is a committee of current Club Sports members that serves as representation for all of the Club Sports teams. The Council works with the Club Sports Administration (CSA) in shaping the future of the Club Sports programs.
The Council is responsible for making recommendations to the Club Sports Administration regarding policies related to the operation of the program. The Council is also responsible for evaluating and reviewing requests for new club membership as well as responding to questions and issues concerning Club Sports.
CSAC is made up of the President of each Club Sports team (or alternative officer designated by the team). The CSAC can elect members (when necessary) to any standing committees as directed by the CSA.
The Club Sports Program requires each team to have the following elected officer positions that make up the club’s executive team. Contact information for each officer must be kept up to date with the Club Sport Administration.
The positions are: President, Vice President, and Financial Officer - a Safety Officer position is recommended. It is recommended that individuals do not serve in multiple positions at one time, with the exception of serving as a safety officer. Individuals may be permitted to serve multiple positions upon approval by the Club Sports Administrator (CSA). Structure, titles, and responsibilities of the team’s leadership roles must be clearly outlined in the team’s constitution.
Guidelines for recommended responsibilities for each position include:
- Provide strategic oversight for team operations
- Provide guidance and consult with Financial Officer on all financial-related matters
- Ensure the team follows all Club Sport Program and College policies
- Serve as the main liaison between the team and Club Sports Administration.
- Serve as an ethical, non-biased leader when leading the team through interpersonal and intergroup conflict or ambiguous situations.
- Ensure the team follows governance procedures stated in its team constitution
- Serve as a Safety Officer of the team to uphold a safe environment for all members
- Recommended First Aid/CPR certification Training.
Vice President
- Serve as a support system to the President in operational needs and counsel to the club.
- Ensure the team follows all Club Sport Program and College policies.
- Work closely with the Financial Officer to be informed and knowledgeable of all team finances.
- Serve as secondary liaison between the team and Club Sports Administration.
- Serve as an ethical, non-biased leader when leading the team through interpersonal and intergroup conflict or ambiguous situations.
- Serve as a Safety Officer of the team to uphold a safe environment for all members
- Recommended First Aid/CPR certification Training.
- Provide oversight for the entire team’s financial operations, including maintaining thorough and organized financial records for all team financial transactions.
- Provide guidance and consult with the President on all financial-related matters.
- Ensure the team follows all Club Sport Program and College policies.
- Serve as the main liaison between the team and Club Sports Administration.
- Serve as an ethical, non-biased leader when leading the team through interpersonal and intergroup conflict or ambiguous situations.
- Recommended First Aid/CPR certification Training.
Safety Officer *if not separate individual then position to be filled by the President and/or Vice President
- Complete required First Aid/CPR certification Training.
- Complete, organize, and document all injury/accident reports for all club team activity-related injuries; responsible for reporting all cases to the Club Sports Athletic Trainer and/or Club Sports Administration.
- Serve as the main liaison between the team and the Club Sports Athletic Trainer and Club Sports Administration for all team risk management related matters.
- Be knowledgeable of risk management protocols and procedures and consult frequently with Club Sports Athletic Trainer for needed support
Additional (optional) officer positions will vary by team. Examples include: Co-captain, Travel Coordinator, Scheduling Coordinator, Fundraising Coordinator, Equipment Coordinator, Communication Officer, Recruitment Coordinator, Alumni Relations Coordinator, etc.
Financial stability is vital to the success of the Club Sports programs. Each Club Sports Treasurer and/or members of the Leadership Team shall develop a budget plan in conjunction with their assigned Club Sports Administrator (CSA) prior to spending funds for the new academic year. The budget plan must be approved by the CSA and shall not substantially change unless agreed upon. The budget plan must include: participant dues, fundraising goals, estimated operating expenses and estimated travel expenses.
Membership Dues
Each Club Sports is expected to financially support its activities through membership dues and fundraising. Club officers are responsible for establishing a dues structure that is fair and reasonably meets the club’s budgetary needs. Club Sports Athletes can expect to be charged a $25 Club Sports Admin Fee upon registering for a team. These funds help cover costs associated with ATR and other Sport Club expenses. This Club Sports Admin Fee will be automatically deducted from the total amount of dues paid. The Club Sports Administrator (CSA) will maintain a list of paid members for each quarter. It is recommended that all Sport Clubs collect dues at the beginning of the year/bi-annually. Club purchases may be paused or suspended if membership dues are not paid.
- Dues must be received by each participant for personally owned apparel and personal equipment is purchased.
Creating a Budget Plan
Club Sports Financial Officers, in conjunction with their assigned CSA, need to forecast accurately to make sure the budget is sustainable. Estimates should be created from past data from club activities or through utilizing information from other similar Club Sports teams. Once the budget plan has been submitted and approved by the CSA, the club can start depositing and spending funds.
Annual Budget Review
Each Club Sports is required to attend an End of Season Budget review meeting where the Cub Sports officers, including Financial Officer, will review the income/expenses for the academic year and sign off on the respective Club Sports account balance.
Accruing Debt
Club Sports teams are not permitted to accrue debt. All purchases must have funding available for immediate payment in their respective GL account. If a Club Sports team accrues debt that cannot be settled in a timely manner, the participation, travel and competition may be limited or canceled. The Club Sports teams may also face sanctions or lose recognition for the following year.
All purchases must be approved by the assigned Club Sports Administrator (CSA) and Financial Officer and/or President, prior to the purchase.The CSA will purchase all equipment, pay for teams fees and more.
Paying for expenses during travel
Prior to a trip, a travel request must be submitted via Travel Form and approved by the assigned Club Sports Administrator (CSA). Depending on travel arrangements, typically the CSA will book all hotel, flight and/or rental cars, however some expenses may require reimbursement. In order to be reimbursed for travel expenses, a detailed receipt (what was purchased, how much was spent) must be submitted along with the Reimbursement Form to the CSA. Club Sports players, listed on the official team roster are the only individuals that can get reimbursed using Club Sports funds. The college does not allow for Volunteer Coaches and Parents to be reimbursed for expenses.
Club Sports has a certified full-time athletic trainer, referred to as the Club Sports Athletic Trainer, who is available to meet with club sport athletes for injury prevention, evaluation, and medical referrals. The appointment hours and access information are available online and sent out to club officers by email. Do NOT contact the Saint Mary’s College Athletics Trainers and/or Student Health Center because club athletes do not have access to these services.
It is the responsibility of the club sport participants, club sport leader and/or coach to report all injuries within 24 hours of the incident. This includes practice, games and other approved club team events. For injuries during club sports participation, a Club Sports Incident Report (see below) must be submitted to Club Sports Administration before club sports athletes make an appointment with Club Sports Athletic Trainer. Priority for seeing the athletic trainer will be determined by the team’s competitive season schedule, as well as the nature of injury, level of contact in sport and other factors. While appointments with the athletic trainer are at no cost to the athlete, they may be referred for further medical attention. Services and follow up with other healthcare professionals are the responsibility of the athlete at his or her expense, either out of pocket or through insurance.
Club Sports Medicine Office Location: Joseph Alioto Recreation Center - near pool deck entrance to the right.
For registered Club Sport Athletes Only.
Services required before/after operational hours must be approved by the Club Sports Athletic Trainer.
- All registered club sport athletes must schedule an appointment for treatment, evaluation, or rehabilitation. Drop-ins are also welcome if the Athletic Trainer is available.
- Be on time to all appointments scheduled. Failure to do so within five minutes will result in scheduling a new appointment.
- Equipment must remain in the training room unless otherwise instructed by the athletic trainer. All equipment from the training room must be approved and checked out with the athletic trainer. Any and all equipment used must be returned promptly after use to allow others use.
- Treat and respect this space as you would a medical office. The Club Sports Medicine Room should be utilized for first aid, treatment, evaluation, and/or rehabilitation.
- Lingering and socializing is highly discouraged to maximize space for patients.
- All personal belongings must be stored properly.
- Wear appropriate clothing - shirts and shorts must cover your body to minimize exposure.
- No food or drink inside the training room. Water must be contained in a resealable container.
- Use appropriate language and be respectful of all persons.
- Athletic training services while the recreation center is closed is accessible via side door and limited to the training room space. (If approved by an athletic trainer.)
- All participants must adhere to Joseph L. Alioto Recreation Center Policies and Procedures.
Informing the campus community of Club Sports events is a crucial element in the process of gaining respect for and interest in the Club Sports team, obtaining new members and building morale amongst the existing members. All marketing and advertising must meet College standards and be posted in College approved areas. It is up to the individual club to market and advertise for their individual Club Sports events.
All artwork and logos must be approved by the assigned Club Sports Administrator. This submission should take place by emailing a clean copy of the artwork and/or logo to the CSA. Approval or changes will be made via email. Please reference the College Branding Guidelines with direction from the Visual Identity Toolkit for any and all Club Sports marketing and digital content for approved use of logos, fonts and artwork guidelines.
Social Media
Social media is an essential tool for communicating with the modern audience. This is especially true for colleges hoping to engage students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, community members and more. Coaches, parents, or community members may not have access or post on the Club Sports behalf.
Image and Perception
Teams that have a separate web page, including alumni pages, are required to keep it updated with the names and contact information of the current club leadership. Club Sports teams need to be aware of the image they portray to the general public, campus community, and potential and current members. In addition to representing themselves, clubs represent the Club Sports Program, Student Life Department and Saint Mary’s College. Common sense and good taste should be employed when a club or its members divulge information about the club via websites, message boards, or any other social media platforms. Club Sports that are discovered to be engaging in inappropriate behavior or are presenting the club in poor taste will be sanctioned. Examples of this type of behavior include, but are not limited to: lewd acts, alcohol consumption, hazing, sexually explicit images, or a general disregard for a standard of decency.
Injury Reporting
All injuries requiring medical attention that occur during club practices or competition, whether to a Saint Mary’s College student-athlete or other person, must be reported to Club Sports Administration within 24 hours of the incident via the Club Sports Incident Report.
Sequence of Reporting (in order):
- When in doubt of a person’s condition, call Campus Safety 925-631-4282, who will in turn contact 9-1-1.
- IF Emergency Medical Services are called, then contact:
- Club Sports Athletic Trainer – Amanda Morton at or phone
- Assistant Director of Club Sports Operations – Tom Perry at or phone
- Director of Club Sports – Jeremy Penaflor at or phone
Emergency Action Plan
Our Club Sports Athletic Trainer has developed an emergency action plan as a risk management guide for Club Sport officers. The Emergency Action Plan can be accessed in the club’s shared administrative files via the Google Drive folder provided by the Club Sports Administration.
All members are strongly encouraged to carry personal health insurance. Injuries that result in further expenses beyond participants' individual coverages may be covered by the College’s secondary insurance. All claims are managed by the Athletic Training office.
Saint Mary’s College requires that all registered students carry adequate health insurance. This requirement can be met either through Saint Mary's College Student Health Insurance Plan (SMC-SHIP), the college sponsored health insurance plan, or through an alternative insurance plan that has comparable benefits.
All club teams are required to submit a Travel Information Document for all organized club trips and events. Teams may not travel until each trip is reviewed and approved by the Club Sports Administration. The Travel Document informs the Club Sports Administration of necessary information for risk management purposes.
Travel Document Link
Driver Authorization
All club sport participants and coaches are required to be authorized by the Business Office to drive Saint Mary’s College owned vehicles (including vans, carts) and to drive other individuals outside of themselves. Individuals driving only themselves DO NOT need to be authorized as drivers. Refer to the Driver Authorization Process for step-by-step instructions for becoming an authorized driver. All documentation must be submitted to the Business Office who will advise the status of your request to Club Sports Administration.
- For Club Sport participants to be reimbursed for gas, they must be an approved driver. Those who are unapproved will not be reimbursed by the college.
There will be a mileage charge for use of the gasoline powered vehicles and an account number to be charged must be on the Trip Ticket when the vehicle is returned. The current charge is 58.5 cents per mile.
Checking the Vehicle Out / Picking Up Keys
Keys will be signed out to the driver only. One driver will no longer be able to pick up keys for another driver. The driver will sign out the keys and vehicle in person at the office and is personally responsible for the operation and safe return of the vehicle. Keys are non-transferable from one driver to another.
Keys must be picked-up during office hours so please plan accordingly.
Drivers will need to fill out a Trip Ticket which can be found in the vehicle or at the Facilities Services front desk. The form must be filled out before operating the vehicle (there is pre-trip & post-trip inspection) and be completed in full at the end of the trip and returned with the keys. If the office is closed, drop these items in the mailbox behind Madigan Gym.
Fuel tanks in the vans should be full upon return of the vans. Every department borrowing a van is responsible for its own gas usage and should have a credit card or cash for gas on the trip.
Teams are permitted to travel in 10-person vans. Teams may also utilize charter services and air travel for trips that exceed recommended driving limits. Rental cars and personal vehicles may also be used. A list of preferred vendors is available below; all of these services must be booked by CSA. :
- Charter Bus: Phoenix Transportation
- Flights: Southwest Business Travel
- Rental Cars: Enterprise Rent-A-Car via
Vehicle Insurance & Accident Reporting
All students must maintain a copy of their personal auto insurance card in their vehicle at all times. Students can refer to their auto insurance card for instructions on how to report an auto accident to their respective insurance company. The Office of Risk Management also provides guidance on vehicle use and accident reporting. The steps below should be taken when responding to auto accident situations. The Auto ID Card may be carried by each traveling club for reference.
In the event of an auto accident:
- Request names, addresses, and phone numbers of all persons involved, including any witnesses; obtain name of legal owner of vehicle.
- Do not admit liability or make any statement except to police officers.
- Accidents on campus report to Campus Safety at 925-631-4282.
- Accidents off campus report to local Police.
Laundry services are provided by the Club Sports department to ensure that uniforms are cleaned and dried in preparation for competition. The link below details the procedures for both Club Sports team members and Campus Recreation staff.
*Drop off days are subject to change, and teams will be notified and the document will be updated if the days change.
Club Sports Student-Athletes are to abide by all state and local laws, and College policies and procedures, while both on and off-campus.
Profanity, racial or sexist comments, or any other intimidating actions directed at officials, players, coaches or staff will not be tolerated. Concentrate on supporting your team and refrain from being negative to the opponent.
The College strictly forbids the possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs and the use or possession of drug paraphernalia. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action based on the guidelines established in the Student Handbook.
Enforcement will follow the guidelines established by the Student Handbook for violation of the College alcohol policy and/or an internal process overseen by Student Life and Club Sports Administration.
Student-athletes are advised that the legal drinking age in the state of California is 21 years of age. Even student-athletes who have reached their 21st birthday must abide by College rules and regulations relating to alcohol and drug use. Student-athletes are specifically cautioned against illegal or unauthorized use of alcohol, drugs and other intoxicants and shall not:
- Use, or be under the influence of, drugs not prescribed by a physician.
- Drink, be under the influence of, or be in personal possession of alcohol during any Club Sports event, athletic practice, or on road trips associated with athletic events.
- Use tobacco products during any Club Sports event, athletic practice, or on road trips associated with athletic events.
Saint Mary's College, the Division of Student Life, and Club Sports will not tolerate any form of hazing. Sanctions will reflect the serious stance the College is taking on hazing.
Education Code 32050 – As used in this article, hazing includes any method of initiation or pre initiation into a student organization or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to such an organization which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm, to any student or other person attending any school, community college, university, or other educational institution in this state; but the term "hazing" does not include customary athletic events or other similar contests or competitions.
Education Code 32051 – No student or other person in attendance at any public, private, parochial, or military school, community college, or other educational institution, shall conspire to engage in hazing, participate in hazing, or commit any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm to any fellow student or person attending the institution.
Education Code 32052 – Any person who participates in the hazing of another, or any corporation or association which knowingly permits hazing to be conducted by its members or by others subject to its direction or control, shall forfeit any entitlement to State funds, scholarships, or awards which are enjoyed by him, by her, or by it, and shall be deprived of any sanction or approval granted by any public educational institution or agency.
Individuals involved in any action related to hazing may be immediately suspended from their Club Sports team. Additional sanctions may be instituted. The Club Sports team's operations may be suspended. Additional sanctions may be instituted.
Team Policies
Each team may have their own policies and procedures developed by the coach and/or student leaders in addition to the previously stated resources. All policies or constitutions must be submitted to the Club Sports Administration prior to every school year for approval.
Coaches and/or student leaders may not institute policies or procedures which contradict the spirit or literal meaning of those outlined in this manual.
Drug and Alcohol Statement
Club Sports Student-Athletes, are prohibited from consuming drugs or alcohol at any Club Sports sanctioned event where the team is representing the college. Including, but not limited to competitions, trainings/practices, and travel.
Outside alcohol is never permitted inside the recreational turf field. Saint Mary's Stadium, Pat Vincent Field or any other athletic venue on SMC campus that is hosting a sanctioned athletic event.
- The sale of consumption of alcohol at club sport competitions is managed by the office of Club Sports.
Events sanctioned by SMC Club Sports that serve alcohol do so with proper permitting and adhere to all local, state and federal laws regarding the sale and serving of alcohol. Individuals who abuse the rights granted to SMC Club Sports through their licenses, can and will be removed from the premises.
Under the laws enforced by the EEOC, an EEO violation is any workplace action by an employer that discriminates against an applicant or employee due to a person's race, color, religion, sex, nationality, age, disability, or genetic information.
In compliance with applicable law and its own policy, Saint Mary’s College of California is committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse student and employee population and does not discriminate in its admission of students, hiring of employees, or in the provision of its employment benefits to its employees and its educational programs, activities, benefits and services to its students, including but not limited to scholarship and loan programs, on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability.
If you feel you have experienced discrimination, or have witnessed discrimination, please contact the AVP & Chief Human Resources Officer, the Vice President for Student Life, or any Human Resources representative.